Best image optimising tools for improving website performance

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Have you ever landed on a travel website, excited to explore your dream destination, only to find yourself staring at a loading screen longer than your travel wish list? It can become quickly frustrating.

In the world of online travel and accommodation, where every second counts, a website’s speed can make or break a visitor’s experience. And let’s be real – a pixelated paradise isn’t anyone’s idea of a dream vacation.

That’s where the unsung hero of the digital world steps in: image optimisation. We’re about to explain not only why image optimisation is important and can help boost business, but also list some fantastic free and paid tools that’ll not only turbocharge your site but also make your visuals pop without draining user’s bandwidth.

Why image optimisation is important

Image optimisation is like giving your website a boost to work better. The main idea is to make pictures on the website load faster without losing their quality. We achieve this by using smart tricks called compression algorithms, which reduce the amount of data needed to show the pictures, thus helping improve page load times. This makes your website load quickly and smoothly. Why does this matter? Well, it’s not just about speed (page load times); it also helps your site show up better on search engines like Google. Plus, it saves internet space and makes things more cost-effective. Also, when your images are optimised, they can look good on all kinds of screens, whether big or small. So, it’s like a tech-savvy way to make your website fast, good-looking, and efficient for everyone who visits, no matter what device they’re using.

Why page load times are important

Ultimately, subpar loading times significantly hinder the user experience. This negative encounter not only diminishes trust in the website but also precipitates a surge in bounce rates, among other adverse effects, ultimately culminating in a tangible loss of business. Rather than relying on our own articulation, let the research data explain the repercussions of slow loading times on user engagement and, consequently, on the overall success of a business.

Speed matters:

Statistics reveal that 47% of users expect a webpage to load in two seconds or less. Beyond that threshold, the risk of bounce rates surges, meaning nearly half of your potential guests could be slipping through the digital cracks.

Mobile Matters:

Considering the increasing prevalence of mobile browsing, it’s crucial to note that 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if pages take longer than three seconds to load. Picture the vast pool of travelers scrolling through their smartphones, seeking the perfect getaway – a delayed website could mean losing over half of your mobile audience.

In addition to this, insights provided by Google, show that just decreasing mobile site load times by just one-tenth of a second can increase conversion rates by 10.1% for travel websites.

Search Engine Preferences:

Moreover, speed isn’t just a user preference; it’s a priority for search engines as well. Google, for instance, factors in page speed when determining search rankings. A faster website not only enhances user experience but can also boost your visibility in search results.

Conversion Impact:

Google reported a study that found that just a one-second delay in page load time can impact conversion rates by up to 20% For businesses in the travel and accommodation sector, where enticing potential guests to book is the ultimate goal, these seconds can make all the difference.

What does image optimisation involve?

1. Reducing File Size:

Optimised images are akin to lightweight backpackers on the internet highway. By reducing the file size, these images minimise the data that needs to be transferred between servers and users. Imagine the difference between downloading a hefty novel versus a concise pamphlet; the former takes longer to reach your hands, or in our case, your device.

2. Compression Techniques:

Think of image compression as zipping up files for travel. Just as you compress a folder to save disk space, images undergo compression to minimise their digital footprint. This not only expedites the loading process but also ensures that your webpage doesn’t resemble a sluggish traveller weighed down by unnecessary baggage.

3. Responsive Images for Varying Devices:

Optimised images are like chameleons, adapting to the environment they find themselves in. Whether viewed on a large desktop screen or a pocket-sized smartphone, these images adjust their dimensions and resolution accordingly. This adaptability ensures a swift loading experience, irrespective of the device used.

4. Lazy Loading:

Lazy loading is like having a backstage manager for your website. Instead of bringing out all the actors (images) at the beginning of the play (when the page loads), lazy loading ensures they step onto the stage (appear on the screen) precisely when the audience (user) is ready to see them—when they scroll to that part of the webpage. This savvy technique minimises the initial loading times, making your website feel agile and responsive.

5. Next-Gen Image Formats:

Optimised images often embrace next-gen formats like WebP. Think of these formats as the latest and most efficient models of a car. They maintain superior quality while boasting smaller file sizes, enabling faster page loads and a smoother user experience.

10 Free + Paid Image optimising tools

Now we have gone through why image optimisation is important, it is time to list free-to-use tools that we suggest to use for improving your website’s page load times.

1. TinyPNG

tinypng home page


TinyPNG emerges as a go-to image compression tool, where precision meets simplicity. This online tool is designed to efficiently reduce the file sizes of PNG, WEBP, JPEG images, making it an essential companion for those who seek a perfect balance between visual quality and optimal loading times.

Primary Functions:

TinyPNG specialises in the art of compression, focusing on the reduction of PNG, WEBP and JPEG file sizes. Its primary functions centre around delivering a streamlined platform for users to easily compress their images while maintaining a high level of visual integrity. The process kicks off with ease – just drag and drop the image you want to compress.


Free or pay for pro membership costing $39/year

Unique Features:

  • Efficient Compression: TinyPNG utilises smart lossy compression techniques, ensuring a significant reduction in image file sizes without sacrificing visible quality. This makes it an ideal solution for those who prioritise both fast-loading websites and visually appealing content.
  • Wide Format Support: Supporting both PNG and JPEG file formats, TinyPNG caters to the most common image types used in web development and digital design. Its versatility ensures that users can optimise a wide range of images with ease.
  • Batch Processing: TinyPNG simplifies the optimisation workflow with its batch processing feature. Users can upload and compress multiple images simultaneously, saving valuable time when dealing with numerous images for a project. In order to do more than 20 files at once, you are required to subscribe to the pro membership, which is $39/year per user.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigating TinyPNG is intuitive and straightforward, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The user-friendly interface ensures a hassle-free experience from image upload to download.
  • WordPress Plugin Integration: For WordPress users, TinyPNG offers a convenient plugin that seamlessly integrates with the popular content management system. This allows for image optimisation directly from the WordPress dashboard, enhancing the efficiency of content creators.

2. Optimizilla

optimizilla home page


Optimizilla emerges as a user-friendly image optimisation tool, dedicated to simplifying the process of reducing file sizes for image formats JPEG, GIF, and PNG, without compromising visual quality. Ideal for designers, developers, and anyone seeking an uncomplicated yet powerful solution, Optimizilla stands as a reliable companion in the quest for efficient image compression.

Primary Functions:

Optimizilla’s core functions revolve around the efficient reduction of image file sizes while preserving the integrity of visuals. Designed to streamline the compression process, it caters to users looking for a straightforward yet effective tool for image optimisation.



Unique Features:

  1. Simultaneous Compression: Optimizilla sets itself apart by allowing users to compress multiple images at once. This simultaneous compression feature is a time-saving boon, especially when dealing with batches of images for various projects.
  2. Customisable Compression Level: Users have the flexibility to tailor the compression level according to their preferences. The inclusion of a compression level slider ensures control over the trade-off between file size reduction and image quality, providing a personalised optimisation experience.
  3. Visual Preview: Before committing to compression, Optimizilla offers a visual preview of both the original and optimised images side by side. This instant visual feedback allows users to make informed decisions about the impact of compression on image quality.
  4. Image Comparison Slider: To facilitate a granular comparison, Optimizilla features an image comparison slider. Users can effortlessly slide between the original and compressed versions, aiding in a detailed assessment of the changes made during the optimisation process.

 3. ImageOptim

imageoptim home page


ImageOptim is a Mac-friendly image optimisation tool designed for simplicity and efficiency. Tailored for users in the macOS environment, it excels in reducing image file sizes without compromising quality.

Primary Functions:

ImageOptim focuses on providing a seamless experience for Mac users to optimise their images effortlessly. It integrates with various optimisation libraries to deliver fast and effective compression.


Starting from $12/mo

Unique Features:

  1. Drag-and-Drop Interface: ImageOptim simplifies the optimisation process with a drag-and-drop interface. Users can easily drop images into the tool, and it takes care of compression with minimal effort.
  2. Multiple Optimisation Libraries: The tool leverages multiple optimisation libraries, ensuring a comprehensive approach to image compression. It supports various file formats, making it versatile for different types of projects.
  3. Batch Processing: Batch processing is a key feature, allowing users to optimise multiple images simultaneously. This feature is especially beneficial for designers and developers handling numerous images.
  4. Lossless Compression: ImageOptim offers lossless compression, preserving image quality while significantly reducing file sizes. This makes it suitable for users who prioritise maintaining the highest visual integrity.

4. home page

Introduction: emerges as a cloud-based image optimisation solution, offering a robust set of features to enhance website performance. It caters to users seeking a comprehensive and scalable optimisation solution.

Primary Functions: excels in optimising images stored in the cloud, providing users with a flexible and scalable approach to image compression. Its primary functions encompass reducing file sizes and improving loading times.


Starting from $5/mo. Free trial available

Unique Features:

  1. Cloud-Based Optimisation: Operating in the cloud, offers users the ability to optimise images without the need for local installations. This makes it a scalable solution for businesses with varying image optimisation needs.
  2. Advanced API Integration: The tool provides an advanced API for seamless integration into existing workflows and systems. This feature caters to developers and businesses looking to automate the image optimisation process.
  3. Lossy and Lossless Compression: supports both lossy and lossless compression, giving users the flexibility to choose between aggressive file size reduction or preserving maximum image quality.
  4. Image Resizing and Format Conversion: Beyond compression, offers additional features such as image resizing and format conversion. This versatility makes it a comprehensive tool for various image optimisation needs.

5. JPEGoptim

jpegoptim git repository


JPEGoptim distinguishes itself as a command-line tool, designed for users comfortable with command-line interfaces. It specialises in optimising JPEG images with precision and efficiency.

Primary Functions:

JPEGoptim focuses on the optimisation of JPEG images through command-line operations. It provides users with fine-grained control over the optimisation process, making it suitable for those accustomed to command-line environments.



Unique Features:

  1. Command-Line Interface: The tool operates exclusively through the command line, offering users a straightforward and efficient way to optimise JPEG images. This is ideal for users comfortable with command-line operations.
  2. Lossless and Lossy Compression: JPEGoptim supports both lossless and lossy compression, providing users with the flexibility to choose between maintaining image quality or achieving more aggressive file size reduction.
  3. Batch Processing: Users can optimise multiple JPEG images in batches, streamlining the optimisation process for projects involving numerous images.
  4. Metadata Stripping: JPEGoptim allows users to strip unnecessary metadata from JPEG images, further reducing file sizes. This feature is beneficial for optimising images for web use.

6. home page

Introduction: positions itself as a user-friendly web-based tool catering to various image formats. It simplifies the optimisation process for users seeking an accessible platform for reducing file sizes.

Primary Functions: excels in web-based image compression, supporting various formats, including JPEG, PNG, SVG, GIF, WEBP. Its primary functions focus on providing users with a quick and efficient way to compress images directly in the browser.


Free or premium membership for $50/year

Unique Features:

  1. Format Support: supports a range of image formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP and SVG. This versatility makes it suitable for users dealing with diverse image types.
  2. Simple Drag-and-Drop Interface: The tool offers a simple drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to easily upload and compress images directly in the browser. The streamlined interface caters to users of all technical levels.
  3. Quality Preview: provides users with a quality preview, allowing them to visually assess the impact of compression before finalising the process. This hands-on approach ensures user confidence in the optimisation results.
  4. Instant Download: Once images are compressed, users can instantly download the optimised files. This swift process enhances the overall efficiency of the image optimisation workflow.

7. ShortPixel

shortpixel home page


ShortPixel stands out as a versatile image optimisation tool with seamless integration into the WordPress environment. It caters to users looking for a comprehensive solution that extends beyond compression.

Primary Functions:

ShortPixel’s primary functions extend beyond compression, encompassing image optimisation within the WordPress ecosystem. It offers users a range of features to enhance website performance.


Starting from $8.25/mo. Free sign up available

Unique Features:

  1. WordPress Plugin Integration: ShortPixel integrates seamlessly with WordPress, offering users a dedicated plugin for image optimisation directly from the WordPress dashboard. This feature enhances the accessibility of the tool for WordPress users.
  2. Lossy and Lossless Compression: ShortPixel supports both lossy and lossless compression, providing users with flexibility in choosing between significant file size reduction or preserving maximum image quality.
  3. PDF Optimisation: In addition to images, ShortPixel extends its optimisation capabilities to PDF files. This versatility caters to users dealing with a combination of image and document assets.
  4. Image Resizing and Retina Support: ShortPixel includes features for image resizing and retina support, ensuring that optimised images are tailored for various display scenarios. This adaptability enhances the overall user experience.

8. Squoosh


Squoosh emerges as a web-based image compression tool developed by Google. It offers users a powerful platform for optimising images directly in the browser, incorporating advanced features for tech-savvy users.

Primary Functions:

Squoosh focuses on providing users with an advanced web-based platform for image compression. Its primary functions revolve around offering a range of features to fine-tune the optimisation process.



Unique Features:

  1. Advanced Compression Settings: Squoosh offers advanced compression settings, allowing users to fine-tune various parameters for optimised results. This feature caters to users who require precise control over the compression process.
  2. Real-Time Comparison: The tool provides a real-time comparison between the original and compressed versions of an image. This hands-on visual assessment ensures that users can make informed decisions about the level of compression.
  3. Multiple Format Support: Squoosh supports various image formats, including JPEG, PNG, and WebP. This versatility accommodates users working with diverse image types and allows them to choose the most suitable format for their needs.
  4. Direct Browser Integration: As a web-based tool, Squoosh integrates directly into the browser. Users can access and utilise its features without the need for additional installations or downloads, enhancing the accessibility of the tool.

9. JPEG-Optimizer

jpeg-optimizer home page


JPEG-Optimizer positions itself as a user-friendly tool focused specifically on JPEG compression. It caters to users looking for a simplified platform for optimising JPEG images.

Primary Functions:

JPEG-Optimizer specialises in the compression of JPEG images, streamlining the optimisation process for users who primarily work with this format. Its primary functions revolve around reducing file sizes while maintaining image quality.



Unique Features:

  1. Easy-to-Use Interface: The tool boasts an easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for users of all levels of technical expertise. The straightforward design ensures a hassle-free experience from image upload to download.
  2. Adjustable Compression Level: Users can adjust the compression level according to their preferences. This customisable feature allows for a balance between file size reduction and image quality, ensuring that users can tailor the optimisation to their specific needs.
  3. Instant Download: Upon completing the compression process, users can instantly download the optimised JPEG images. This swift turnaround enhances the overall efficiency of the image optimisation workflow.
  4. Visual Quality Comparison: JPEG-Optimizer provides users with a visual quality comparison, allowing them to assess the impact of compression on image quality. This visual feedback ensures user confidence in the optimisation results.

10. OptiPNG

optipng home page


OptiPNG distinguishes itself as a command-line tool specialising in the optimisation of PNG images. Tailored for users comfortable with command-line interfaces, it provides precision in PNG compression.

Primary Functions:

OptiPNG focuses specifically on the optimisation of PNG images through command-line operations. It provides users with fine-grained control over the optimisation process, making it suitable for those accustomed to command-line environments.



Unique Features:

  1. Command-Line Interface: OptiPNG operates exclusively through the command line, offering users a straightforward and efficient way to optimise PNG images. This is ideal for users comfortable with command-line operations.
  2. Lossless Compression: The tool specialises in lossless compression for PNG images, preserving image quality while significantly reducing file sizes. This makes it suitable for users who prioritise maintaining the highest visual integrity.
  3. Batch Processing: Users can optimise multiple PNG images in batches, streamlining the optimisation process for projects involving numerous images. This batch processing feature is beneficial for designers and developers dealing with extensive image assets.
  4. Metadata Stripping: OptiPNG allows users to strip unnecessary metadata from PNG images, further reducing file sizes. This feature is beneficial for optimising images for web use while maintaining a focus on efficiency.


In conclusion, leveraging powerful image optimisation tools is the key to elevating user experience and unlocking business success. By enhancing website performance, loading times, and overall visual appeal, these tools not only captivate visitors but also boost engagement and conversion rates. As businesses prioritise user satisfaction, investing in top-notch image optimisation becomes a strategic imperative for sustained growth in the digital landscape. Stay ahead, optimise smart, and watch your online presence flourish with seamless user experiences and increased business opportunities.

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